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should I be worried?(kinda long)
Hello folks,
I have been reading the posts, and have a question. First the
Yesterday I went on an hour ride with her. We did some trotting, went up
a kinda steep hill, and through some deep soft sand. She is a four year
old 3/4 Arab. She has been off her foal a week and a half (he is five
months old). I don't think she was ever ridden very far, or for very
The vet is coming on Thursday to give her a complete physical. I want to
rule out any problems before we really start training hard. I have only
had her about six weeks, so we are both kinda new to each other. Well, I
feel the ride was kinda hard on her, although she started eating as soon
as we got back. She seemed to be moving fine, and had a good appetite, so
I don't think she was THAT tired although her head did hang kinda low to
she heard her colt yelling for her! :0) She also had enough energy to try
to bully the poor Morgan gelding that tried to walk beside her! Ya know,
ears laid back, tail swish, throwing her head to the side to warn him
Well today when I went to get her out for an afternoon lounge, I felt
she was kinda off. I kept watching for ANY signs of limping. From one
angle her left hind leg looked swollen, then from another it looked
normal (at least the same as the other leg). During lounging, she did not
canter right off, but then her foal WAS headed in the OTHER direction.
(My oldest son is learning to work around him.) She did break into a
canter on her own with no prompting from me, once I could keep her head
out of the grass! She is VERY touchy about having her back legs touched
and wouldn't let the farrier just trim her hind feet, so I can't just
pick them up and see if her feet or legs are warm. (I didn't think to try
either, but I will tomorrow).
I am kinda heavy, but she doesn't seem to mind. She is VERY good under
saddle. She listens and has NEVER tried to rear or buck, but she will
jiggle. :0) Now my question is:(okay okay it took me long enough to get
here right?) Should I be worried and wait to ride her till the vet comes
to check her out? I plan on walking her before I ride tomorrow to make
SURE she is not limping. Her appetite is good, she is drinking fine, and
her stool is normal.
Am I being paranoid? Am I looking for trouble where there is none? Am I
the only one who has ever done this kinda thing? Thanks to all you are a
great help and wonderful support! :0)
In His Hands,
Lisa P.
The Aussies:Possum, Boomer, Dusty, and Barley
Chat room ICQ #111639534
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