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Re: "sport saddles"
> Betty bettywashburn@worldnet.att.net
> Would someone be so kind as to clarify: What is/are the sims/
> diffs among the various saddles that are called sport saddles?
> Eg: Some are advertised as the Bob Marshall, some are Bob
> Marshall by Circle Y, some are from Genie Stewart Spears, some
> from other folks. All are called sport saddles. Did Bob
> Marshall license a design which is manufactured by various
> companies? TIA, Betty.
Bob Marshall designed the first Sport saddles, and sells them through his
Sport Saddle Inc., in Kentucky. They are also known as Genuine Bob Marshall
Sport Saddles.
Genie Stewart Spears is a distributor for that saddle
Bob Marshall sold a patent on certain models to Circle Y. They DO NOT make
an endurance model.
They, however, confuse you by manufacturing a TRaining and Schooling model
and calling it an enduarnce
model. But, it is just like the Sport Saddle Training and Schooling, being
suede, big pommel and cantle, and sitrrups more forward.
I have three from the "Bob Marshall" company, and two from Circle Y. I
don't find the Circle Y models to be quite as well made.
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