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Re: RC: Neoprene Girth

In a message dated 8/12/2001 8:36:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

a Neoprene girth, as sheepskin (or fleece girths) would get sweat and
dirt causing friction and sores as well.

    We have found that the Neoprene Girths create too much heat.  On top of
that, we have also found out that the Bacteria that forms onto the neoprene
can effect some horses with a reaction.  This causes, swelling, heat, and
    Go with a cotton, or mohair girth, have someone sew on a center ring for
your breast collar.  This is the best way to go.
    About the fleece, your dealer is right.  Most Arabs have loose skin in
that area.  That is why we also recommend using a crupper.  This helps the
bunching of skin while trotting down hills.
    Good luck!

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
18171 Lost Creek Road
Saugus, CA 91390
661/513-9269 or  713-3912

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