----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 5:56
Subject: RC: Water Question.
I ride in So. Cal. and
we ride high in the Santa Monica Mountains on fire
roads where it can get
hot and there simply is no water to be had.
Is there an efficient way to
carry some water for horses??
We usually try to ride early in the
morning, 8 am or later, 4pm.
So far we've been out around three hours at a
stretch but we'd like to go out
for longer training rides.
True, when
we get back, the horses often don't even head straight for the
water.....So maybe I'm worrying needlessly.
Nonetheless, I won't do
anything to compromise the health of my horse...
I'm relatively new at
long rides so any help is appreciated.
Those of you in desert areas.
What do you do about watering your horses when you're out for hours and
training your horse and there's no water around???