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Fwd: shoeing for concussion
Hi, Angie! Worst ride/best shoeing job. Took my Florida horse to the NC in Timberon NM in 1999. There were 3 Florida horses there. I inquired with 2 farriers about those Slypner "Sneakers" and was told they don't stay on. Plunked down a chunk of change, had aluminum plates on front w/oversized nails (cleats!), then pads, and also that goopy caulk-like gel squirted in there, and external gripper nails. On rear did the same thing but with a little heavier shoe. Sky thought he had AirJordans on or something! One Florida horse pulled, the other ended up with 4 easy boots and gel (Echo & Shah). WONDERFUL WONDERFUL, I'm doing it again for the NC in Kentucky. The rocks in NM were so bad they were boulders on limerock, it seemed. Also, FYI, this was after road founder from the Liberty Run lake loop in 40 minutes. Sky's had no more road founder. Hope this helps.
Susan Sams
Double S Stables
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