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Re: RC: shoeing for concussion
At 06:39 AM 08/09/2001 -0400, Rides 2 Far wrote:
>What is the best hoofwear IN THE WORLD to absorb concussion? Describe the
>worst ride for concussion that you've done...please?
Well, since you asked :+)......that's easy --- EASYBOOTS. You knew I'd
give that answer. I've ridden a lot of miles with them and they really are
great for rides where you have a lot of hard or rocky ground. I've seen
people use lots of other types of special shoes or pads, and what I see
happen with those is that when they come off (which they often do, cuz I
see them a lot lying on the trail) the horse is generally lame and/or has
its foot torn all up. If you lose an easyboot on the trail, over a shoe --
it's really not a big deal. You can plop another one on or at least keep
going to the next check or finish.
The worst ride for concussion -- in terms of distance, or just one
day? For just one day, it would probably have to be the Virginia City
100. For distance, it would have to be the 2001 XP. Riding 19 fifty mile
rides on each horse in 8 weeks definitely put the easyboots to the
test. Neither horse has any bruising, and their feet are in pretty good
shape.....which to me is amazing. We went over quite a variety of terrain,
from dirt roads to gravel, pavement, hard packed, old paved roads, rocks,
sand, alkali ankle deep, mud, singletrack trails, just about everything
you'd ever expect to see on an endurance ride anywhere.
I've been riding the horses again already (withdrawals, big time!). They
aren't footsore. We generally do our training rides without easyboots, so
their feet stay tough. Before the XP I was riding them both with 4 boots
on to make sure they were used them on the hinds, since I usually only use
them on the fronts. For the XP we had them on all 4 feet on both horses
the entire way.
Happy Trails,
in NV
& Rocky, 4,330 miles
& Weaver, 4,370 miles
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