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tack wishes

>  What is the most important piece of tack you use, and why.

The biggest difference was when I got the deep endurance stirrups. Oh
happy day!

> What is the piece of tack you wish was produced for Endurance  Riders.

I hope someone will make a crupper like the one Ortho-Flex made.  If
they're out of business, don't know where to get one that's *really*
comfortable like that one.

I could go for a heavy plastic folding saddle rack so I don't have to put
that metal on metal in back of my pickup and hear it banging around.

I'd like a helmet whose lining held up better when dipped in a
bucket...maybe even one *meant* to be dipped. (I like the dribble down
the neck effect).

I'd like a tank top with a smaller neck so the straps don't fall
down...while you're at it make it the color of horse slobber.

A heart monitor pouch that doesn't bounce and has something 
more substantial than velcro to hold it closed.

A mohair English girth with stainless steel roller buckles and a 

Half chaps made for short people that don't cut into the back of your

A "shim pad" that can be added on top of a regular Toklat pad.

Pads to go behind English buckles.

A breastcollar that doesn't put a buckle laying on top of the horse's

Splint boots with stainless steel hardware.

A picket line rope with a brass bull snap on a cotton lead. 

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