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Re: stumbling gaited horse

>A rack is widely held among Saddlebred types (where distinguishing a real rack is important) to be a very, very tiring gait.

 Funny you should say that as I've been thinking that myself....generally after we've been racking for a bit, if I let her, she will slip into this unbelievably comfy lope. Unfortunately, most of the stumbling occurs at the walk whether or not we've already done some racking.......

Definitely have to have a chat with the farrier and am now in the market for a chiro. Anybody know one in central-east coast of FL?

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who responded to my problem. It was also slightly comforting to hear that I'm not the only to have this problem. In the past 6 months I've seen a lot of "opinions" being tossed around and some days it wasn't as uplifting as others to read ridecamp (re: negativity) But let me tell you, I will deal with 10 times that much "debate" in order to have a resource such as this one. Thanks again!
Patti (ok...where did I put that ruler to measure her you need a protractor to measure angles?)
Mercedes (umm, mom, leave me alone and maybe I'll just try to remember to pick my feet up)
Dave (Chriopractor bill???? For the horse?????!!!)

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