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Re: Show and Tell
Karen Sullivan wrote:
> >
> > Jim : >>He's 4 1/2. We just stay out forever, graze here and there, walk,
> walk, walk.....8-10-12 hours>>
> Jim, just a thought here....do you mean riding (on his back) for 8-12 hours?
> I would worry about that....since current thought is that the back matures
> the last.
> >
> >
No.....We're just "out there". I use time this to teach him to walk and
trot on my shoulder. I want him to lead beside me with his head even
with my shoulder. I also want him to lead behind me without walking on
my feet, especially down steep stuff. I carry a little crop and whack
him on the shins if he gets too close. He soon learns to keep his
distance. When I walk, he walks....when I trot, he trots. This is
valuable experience for trot-outs in vet checks. Ever seen those vets
"shooing" horses to get them to trot? We browse grassy spots and
practice ground tying. I take carrots and apples, he gets all his
favorite spots scratched. I teach him to hobble. I'm off clearing trail,
blowdowns, etc. I teach "tailing" at this point....and a walk and a
trot. I also teach him to "mane"... as well...grab is mane and lean on
him to get up a short steep spot....and trot along with him holding on
to his mane. I teach him to "go first" over a log, creek or other
obstacle. I also teach him to "wait till I go first". It's all "fun"
for him....but it's learning moments and he doesn't even realize he's
being "trained".
He's a "blank slate" at this point, saying "teach me, teach me". You
will be richly rewarded later if you do all this up front....and it's
painless to teach...it just happens. I don't want to have to teach
ANYTHING that he doesn't already know at Endurance Rides. Even with all
this training, sometimes they still may "fergit" momentarily with all
the excitement, but the odds are in your favor.
Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic
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