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Some additions to on-line personal/horse info changes
Quite a number of people have already made updates to their personal AERC info
and that on their horses.
Several things I will mention in addition.
1. We have a bug that will not accept email addresses longer than 30 characters
when you try to add this in the change personal information section. Until we
fix this - leave the email field blank and we will pick up your email address
from the activation login ID which does handle more than 30 characters.
2. When you are done with your changes and clicked ok - leave the site and
go to another. The office cannot see your changes while you are viewing the
page you made them from.
3. You don't need to leave your login ID as your email address. Just select
login configuration and change your ID to anything longer than 4 characters.
4. Try the personal calendar section with notifications. There are a lot of neat
features there that will help you keep track of when rides get posted, points
change, and so on.
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