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> But I just wish that Ibn wouldn't pull so very hard - I'm bushed by
the second water point which is normally about 10kms into the ride > ;-))
And the fitter he becomes, the longer it takes for him to > settle.
One of my favorite quotes comes from the old Farnam Video on endurance
that Darolyn made. There's a part in it where Mathew Mackay Smith is
telling riders that if their horse is being a pain they're not riding far
enough. He said something like that they should ride him until he gets
to the point of being a little tired, and then as he gets fit you have to
ride him farther to get him tired, and then the good quote, "Of course
after he begins to become *really* fit he may become quite cheerful
indeed". When Kaboot is being a projectile down the trail in a dead
"trotaway" I try to think of him as "quite cheerful indeed".
I have ridden one horse up front for awhile (someone else's) who was a
dream to ride. It was rediculously easy and I would not complain if
Kaboot was like that horse...but riding Kaboot is definately better
exercise...not only for my shoulders, but he gets my heartrate in the
target range too.
By the way, he spent his first 2 years being "sponsored" by an older
horse carrying a junior finishing in around 7 hours well back in the
pack. He was also used to mark trails, trim trails, etc. He's very well
behaved with the vets other than wanting to rub on them. All his bad
behavior is aimed towards forward progress. Mama tried.
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