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TEVIS (incl. "Steve Elliot on that non-arab")

I've just got back to the computer and am wading through the
email. Thanks for all the kudos - it really makes it worthwhile.

* * *

My friend Adam in England who's server the web stuff is on, 
reports to me:

> It's a MONSTER!
> Quacky transfers says:
> Bytes transferred:   1,612,336,453 (1,002,612,208 are Tevis-2001!)


> Month gone so far:    17%
> Use of full months allowance:   75%
> Use of month-so-far allowance: 419%
> How come so many people are looking at it? How many horses were 
> in it (I couldn't quickly find the info there ...)

Thanks Adam!! Sorry it's trying to take over the universe.
It sounds like something akin to "The Blob". With luck it 
should settle down soon. I'll write and figure out how to 
get it under control later.

* * *

Re: Tevis

I need to do some "real" work, or I'll get into trouble, but

Roger Rittenhouse wrote:
> A few I would send special extra congratulations to:
> ... 
> Steve Elliot  on that non-arab ,  -cant get to Tevis site to find the
> breed .. looked like  a great ride Steve - nice to see you make it.

Stuff on Steve Elliot's horse. I've got a *bunch* of 
background info on Raven - really neat stories, and some more
pics of him at the finish - not great pics, but pics all the same.

Steve (and Raven!!) did a great job and their finish was the 
one I was most pleased about. Raven looked a tad confused at 
the end - as in "what are we doing? ... Are we done?".

I'll try and put up some more stuff later - like a BUNCH of stuff
that Nina Vasiliev passed me, I formatted it into a page and
had it all ready to go when the laptop freezed up solid at 4:30 am.
At which point, I decided to get out there and look at the finishers,
not fight with it any more. I'll get it up as soon as I can.

I've got a handful of finish photos. Plus a handful of Robie

I also have the FULL pull list. I'm sorry, by 6:30 am on Sunday, 
I'd been up for 26.5 hours and wasn't doing quite as well as I could
have been. Then I managed to get a whole 2.5 hours sleep before
getting up for the BC judging at 10 am. 

We missed the awards in the afternoon and instead, my house-guest, 
Sally Toye, who got pulled at Squaw High Camp (I'll explain about 
that too later) took some time to school my horse up on our back
arena area, so I got to watch what he can do with a *proper* rider - 
and very wonderful he looked too.

And then sadly, instead of getting a good night's sleep in time
for work this morning, one of our cats - Anna-cat (12 yrs), spent 
the night dying in our bedroom. She finally gave up her struggle 
around 5:30 this morning and we buried her in the orchard this
morning. So I'm pretty sad (and ludicrously tired), right now.
So forgive me if it takes a while to get it all together.

Thanks again for all the encouragement.

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
Repotted english person in Garden Valley (Sierra Foothills), CA

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