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RE: Re: Abetta Saddles

That is so funny because I just got got my new Abetta saddle last week.  The fenders did not work for me since my legs are too short.  I also had concerns about where the buckle on the fenders are - I thought they might rub my horse, too.  So I took the fenders off and stuck in a couple of english stirrup leathers and took a spin in the saddle on my 4 y.o.  He liked it a lot better than the little flat saddle that he was starting to outgrow.  No real miles on it yet - just a hour at a walk and a little trotting - but it was pretty comfortable and Drako seemed to stride more freely with it.  I decided it was a keeper.
The website that I bought the saddle from also sell the fenders separately and indicated to me that's the only "complaint" that they get - they wear out before the rest of the saddle does.
Big Horn's twists are too wide for me, the Abetta is a lot more comfortable - but I think I'll get one of those tush cushes because I'm not crazy about "sitting on my pockets".  The Big Horn seem to be made more durable, though.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Howard Bramhall []
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 9:34 PM
Subject: RC: Re: Abetta Saddles

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 9:23 PM
Subject: RC: Abetta Saddles

Dorothy Clement
Does anyone out there ride in a Abetta Endurance softee saddle? I am a
newby to ERiding and wanting to spend under $500 on a saddle. Would love
comments. Dorothy

I own one and have had a few problems with the stirrup straps.  They wore down, started fraying and caused rubs on the sides of my horse(s).  That started happening after about a year of riding with the saddle.

Other than that, they're not bad.  Lightweight and fit most horses.  Buy it new, don't get one that's already been used.  If I could find a place that sold the stirrup straps so I could replace them I'd enjoy the saddle more.

You might want to look at a Bighorn.  I own one of those too and prefer it over the Abetta.  It's about a hundred bucks more.




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