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Re: RC: Expert pulse help needed


Several things pop to mind...

You mentioned that you encountered high heat &
humidity.  Also mentioned that he's plump right now
which might slow his cooling.  Even though he's
handled heat well in the past, you think he had
trouble this time.  If his pulse was hanging due to
heat stress, lots of water & modifying your pace is
the best solution.  If he was this hot, I suspect that
his respirations would have been higher than 24 as he
panted to cool.  It might not be heat.

You mentioned Lyme Disease.  If he actually had the
disease versus just positive titers, he could have
heart valve problems as a result.  His pulse would be
extremely elevated, he would have decreased
performance, and he would have elevated respirations. 
I believe that they would be higher than the 24/min
you mentioned.

Another reason a pulse may hang is pain.  Is there any
chance he was sore anywhere?  Beginning abcess in a
foot, change in saddle fit with his weight gain?  Did
he take a bad step & twist something?  Any tooth
problems?  Recent falls or "cutting up" in the field
that might have strained something?  Any subtle
changes in his gait ir style of moving?  I might lay
my odds on him being sore somewhere before I'd blame
an elkevated pulse without panting on heat stress or
Lyme Disease.  Just a suggestion.

Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
West Virginia

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