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Re: RC: Show and Tell

>>but if you go about it the right way, you don't need to start horses on LD>>

Ahh Jim, now here lies the problem.  As we've seen from various threads on this list and also what I've seen with my own eyes,  the "going about it in the right way" is in short supply generally.  There has been much discussion about having more rules, and I don't know what the answer should be to that as there are instances where people do their LD at home so those miles are not official, but those people, like Howard  and I'm sure many more on the list, who have their heads screwed on right will do the right thing by their horse, but unfortunately that doesn't hold true for many first timers out there.

As I said, I don't know if one should place rules to force people to do a number of official LDs, but it might go a long way in getting those cowboys to toe the line and thereby help the horses - I don't know.


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