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Re: RC: XP/Tevis riders
At 08:47 AM 08/05/2001 -0600, ldlavis@telusplanet.net wrote:
>How many XP horses/riders actually ended up competing in the Tevis?
There were several, and forgive me if I miss anybody (I'm sure I will).
Kayla Ramsdell, 14 y/o.....she completed on her horse Gem, who she rode 800
miles of the 2000 she rode at the XP this summer (her 2nd Tevis completion)
Troy Ramsdell, 12 y/o (his first Tevis!), completed on Qwest, a horse he
rode 550 of the 1200 or so miles he did on the XP
Joyce Sousa, completed Tevis on a horse that did 550 miles on the XP
Vicki (Roxanne) Green completed her 20th Tevis on a horse she rode near the
end of the XP
Louise Mahoney, completed on her mare Sloan (10th place, I think). They
did several rides on the XP, not sure how many.
Sue Hedgecock also completed Tevis and rode most of the XP, I don't know
how many miles on this particular mare.
Don't know if Dorothy Sue made it or not. She left Foresthill on Abu in
good shape, but I missed her at the finish. She was one of the kids three
sponsors (they weren't taking any chances <g>), so it could be that I was
just blinded by Kayla and Troy's smiles at the finish. I sure hope she
made it thru!
I haven't gotten the photos all up yet, I promised Barney and Susan G. that
I'd help with the research project so stayed up all night photographing
horses butts. :^)
I saw Sylvia last night, late. Harca will be okay but injured, he's at
Davis. She was hurt too. I saw Bob and Julie last night (this morning)
after Barbara completed her 25th Tevis. The last butt I photographed was
Jerry Fruth's...errrr.......Irene's that is.
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