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Re: Re: hauling hay to rides
*If* remember correctly, Karen Chaton has such a set-up to load hay onto her
trailer roof. Maybe, when she gets back from Tevis, she'll explain how it
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda B. Merims" <lbm@naisp.net>
To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Cc: <onefarmgirl@aol.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: RC: Re: hauling hay to rides
> Onefarmgirl@aol.com said:
> >...I LOVE my new truck
> >camper, but can't seem to get the perfect solution for hauling hay to
> >...
> >Do those of you with racks on top of your trailers like that arrangement?
> >...
> I've always thought that the racks on top of trailers seem to be
> missing a very key ingredient: some way to get the hay up to the
> top of the rack. How do people get 50lb+ bales to the top of
> the trailer? I mean those of you who don't have husbands or
> adolescent sons to loft it?
> It's like the rack sould come with some kind of removable, swinging
> pulley-on-post thing, sort of like what they had on 2-story hay barns
> before conveyor belts.
> <example>
> ________
> O \ |
> \| <--pulley on post
> |
> ||--------||--------||
> || || || <--rack
> __||________||________||_____________________
> |
> |
> | Trailer
> |
> |
> |
> </example>
> Linda B. Merims
> lbm@naisp.net
> Massachusetts, USA
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