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Re: hauling hay to rides
Hi Pat--
When I had a truck/camper with bumper pull trailer I
hauled a large bale on the trailer tongue platform. They were big 3 wire
140 lb. bales. I put the bale in a canvas hay bag to protect it from
exhaust fumes and road debris, stood it upright and tied it on securely to eye
bolts anchored in the front of the trailer. It worked well for me for many
thousands of miles. Of course this will change the weight/angle of the
trailer hitch connection so you'll need to check and adjust as
Racks on top of trailers and/or campers are also OK if
you have a way of getting the hay up there! Most of the time I didn't
altho I once started a 5 week trip thru the Western half of the U.S. for four
NATRC competitions with bales on top the camper AND on the front of the
Betty Edgar
Do those of you with racks on top of
your trailers like that arrangement?
Has anyone tried putting hay
across the tongue of the trailer? It looks
like there is
plenty of room. I've even thought of making a little steel
to hold a bale upright "standing" on the tongue.
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