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RE: Dead Horses
Hello, on the Great American Horse Race there were 3
horses that died i think. Help me out here Hope. I think there were
2 Icelandic Ponys that got loose into an alfalfa field out west and
coliced. The most horrible death i've ever seen was a stallion that died
from a twisted testicle. He cried and bellowed like a baby and i'll never
forget his screams. From my recollection there were no horses that died
from being 'Overidden' on GAHR. There were some galls and other things
that Humane Society people may have been offended to tho. But the horses
were sound. Jose had an infected hock from a cut while we were swimming in
a pond in Kansas. It stank and oozed but after 3 days he was sound.
Going thru 75 or so horses here i have lost 2. One a colt who came w/ a
runny nose that turned into pneunomia. He died even tho Jeannie had him
hooked up to an IV Antibiotic drip made for humans. g.m. Hey Cisco.
g.m. Pogodney was a promising 6yo when i went to the beach for a long
weekend. I came home and he was dead. We did an autopsy and the guts
were fine and the heart was the largest you ever seen. No reason for his
demise. The only mark he had on or in him was a small mark on his head
when he hit the ground. Who knows?? not me or the vet that did the
autopsy. He had 50 AERC miles on him. My low point was at the PAC in
Arizona when g.m. Ballistic took 30 litres of fluids. He recovered but
unless you have ever been to an IV Tree hoping for pee you have either been real
lucky or not been arround long enough. Cause its gonna happen to us all at
some time cause **** happens sometimes to the best of us. tom sites (and i
want to say this once) AERC # 5780 2000 AERC Miles, GAHR
(unsantioned) LD miles ?? European Championships 1987 (AERC
Unsanctioned) PAC 1989 (AERC unsanctioned) Day of Knights 1994
(unsanctioned tho held under AERC and FEI Rules) and a few training and R&T
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