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I can understand wanting to know about feeding, saddle pads, corrals,
etc...But what I really wanna know is how folks were able to swing being
gone from real life for that long? :) Or did most folks not do that many
weeks at a time?
I imagined some of you saved up leave? Took leaves of absences from work?
Didn't work to begin with? Own your own company so it's not an issue? Left
the kids with a mom or in-law? Tied the dog/cat to the mailbox and hoped
for the best? :)
What about the ones with spouses who are not horse-y? How did you folks
manage to be gone for weeks on end? Musta promised to do lots of
housecleaning when you got back<eg>
Tina - who is green with jealousy of those that got to participate in this
event :))
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