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Joan wasn't paying attention!
At 02:27 PM 08/01/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>I am resubmitting this because I feel in all the 40 days Carol was "nearly"
>never mentioned, and certainly she and her horse were Never named.
I am certain that I mentioned Carol and Sunny. (his name isn't Sammy). His
AERC name is Energizer, and I'm sure I mentioned them completing the most
days throughout the entire ride (I think it was 33 but I am not certain) --
I have put up several photos, at least a dozen or more of Carol and Sunny
taken during the XP ride. www.endurohorse.com Carol even told me that
friends of hers saw them! (he was named Sunny Day because it was a sunny
day when he was born) It's kind of hard to highlight just one person when
there were so many great horses and achievements. There were more horses
there that did more than most of the previous national champions in the
entire history of the AERC. There were 40 or 50 horses that did over 500
miles at the ride. There are a lot of others that I probably did not
mention, or talk about enough -- most of us there who were riding every day
were pretty busy taking care of our own business and it wasn't that easy to
keep tabs on everybody. There were something like 63 riders who were with
the ride the entire time. I don't know how many days John Parke rode
Skoldjur, but it was also a lot. Zane did at least 1,000 AERC miles on the
ride and got quite a few BC's. Most riders went with the intention of
riding the trail and never tried to do the most miles on one horse. So to
those of us who were there, it sounds kind of funny to hear something as
far out as "can you believe that the horse that did the most miles wasn't
an Arab". The horses that carried the riders the most miles on the ride
WERE Arabs.....it's like comparing apples to hot dogs.
I have more photos to upload -- I've got the finish at Virginia City, the
parade ...the horses in the arena (there were probably 200 horses), and the
awards brunch. I've got a good photo of the saddle Annie George made and
that was awarded to Carol.
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