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Re: The Way We Win
Yes.....I support ALL that....whatever is required.
Jim, Sunny, and Magic
Bob Morris wrote:
> Now, FOR THE BIG ONE!!!! What would you say if the AERC, as the Sanctioning
> Corporation, stated that they would levy charges, under cruelty to animals
> statutes, against any one guilty of having a horse die at a ride? This would
> be dependent upon the results of a mandatory necropsy. If exhausted horse
> syndrome, or any related symptoms were observed the suit would be
> aggressively pursued. If no such symptoms were determined then no suit.
> Necropsy would be by ride vets at the expense of the rider/owner.
> Comments on that? But Remember EDUCATION IS THE ANSWER. Are you all willing
> to support the Education Committee to the utmost?
> Bob Morris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike and Kathy Kelly [mailto:reallykk@infomagic.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 10:10 AM
> To: Bob Morris
> Subject: Re: The Way We Win
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