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Nature of American Endurance

In a message dated 7/30/01 1:27:36 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

.  Nothing disturbs me more than the FEI world rankings of endurance riders
(guess who runs that)

Hi Howard,
   Long time no talk to.
   Howard, if "northing disturbs" you "more than the FEI world rankings of
endurance riders...." consider yourself a Lucky (with a capital "L") man.
   Just how the FEI world rankings of endurance riders affects you (or me)
is beyond me.  I am simple that way.  
   If I was a "World Beater", or my horse was a "World Beater", eventually
EVENTUALLY, the WORLD would know it.  (The "world" has a way of figurin' that
sort of thing out...)
   But I'm not, he's not and it's all I can do to figure out how to get to
the next endurance ride (and it's only 2 1/2 hours away from me) with all
that affects me in my "real life".
   Please don't stress too much over the nebulous nature of
   You and I have folks who represent us and our beliefs in this sport.  And
I know they know how we feel about "The American Nature of Endurance Riding".
   After an endurance ride/race, we load our horses into our trailers and we
take them home with us.  They are vital, vibrant parts of our lives, our
families.  We live with what we do to them in order to do this sport.  THEN,
we find a way to pay the bills.
   For the most part, we ride with compassion for the horse, compassion for
the land through which we ride, compassion for our fellow competitors and
compassion for those of us who try and who, from time to time for whatever
reason, don't "get it done".
   And, we pay the gas prices, whatever they are, to do it.
   It's more serious than being an independent's being a
horseman who "does" endurance.  It's "horsepeople" not "people with horses"
who protect this sport.
   So, when I pull into a ridecamp and see the trucks (of all ages and
types) and trailers (of all makes and age), and the riders (of all
backgrounds, means and locales) AND the horses of all breeds and levels of
conditioning...I am proud to be a part of this endurance "thing".
   We will continue to have isolated incidents of bad luck, bad
horsemanship, bad management, bad trail markings, bad decisions on the trail,
etc.  But, it will be the manner in which we overcome these things that will
define us as an organization.
   Not ANYONE'S ideas of "world rankings" or whatever.  
   Smooth Sailing,
     AERC #8422

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