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Saddle too wide..
More saddle woes and I'm interested in input from you guys.. my Arabian Saddle
Company Solstice started out fitting great (with an out of shape horse) but now
that the flocking has been packed down and she's more fit, it's too wide for her
so it's in for reflocking (it's a size extra wide tree). I'm debating whether I
should just sell the saddle and get a 'standard' or 'wide' width (fiance just
got laid off.. so money's tight right now) or stick with the saddle and hope
that she fills out and the the reflocking will help. Ridgeway evaluated the
saddle fit before the reflocking and said if I don't do anything about it it'll
eventually damage her back because it rocks. I just bought a Supracor english
pad and I'm debating returning that and get a really fluffy woolback or Cloud 9
pad if that will help. What do you guys think? I know there is no substitute
for a good fitting saddle.. but with money in a crunch.. well, you all know the
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