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Had a wonderful ride this weekend and finally earned my 250 mile patch! And Beau had the best vet scores ever and seemed real happy to be competing again.
We started slow with a conservative group for a controlled start, then as soon as it widened out we took off and passed a few horses at a big trot but was smoked by a PINTO. Maybe he was a PAINT! Beau was trying to race him, I held him back because we just ain’t in that kind of condition yet. We were able to enjoy a nice walk down through the misty redwoods by ourselves without any hearing any hoof beats to drive Beau to racing. But we picked up some good company to draft us through the rest of the day that held at a more comfortable pace. (Thanks Peggy and Julie!)
The weather was cool, the food was good, the company was great. Small number of entries compared to last year. A lot of people hanging around just amping each other up for Tevis. Ride management was personable, lots of volunteers. We had trail flag stealing elves, but it I didn’t hear of too many people getting lost like a few did last year. The bicyclists on the most part were very polite and humoured us well on the trail. It’s a beautiful ride with views of the ocean, wonderful redwoods and a fun “cavaletti” portion.
I ran into some people that I knew from a place I boarded in Portola Valley a couple of years ago. I heard a voice yell out “hey Kathy!, it’s Beth” I squinted, and sure enough, it was Beth who used to have short hair and now has long hair, and Sherry who used to have long hair and now has short hair, riding a QH and a TB respectively in the LD. Last people I thought I would see on an endurance ride so I was totally shocked, but heh! Was happy to see them and glad that they could see this crazy sport in action. It’s funny how many friends I have that used to think that biothane was weird get totally hooked into the sport and hopefully I’ll see them again soon at another ride.
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