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Re: XP2001 is now history
Everyone is in from the sand, and hills of Nevada. The ride started in the
rain in Kansas, and it ended in the heat of Nevada.
What a great feeling of community the riders all have.
It is very hard leaving the group, but it has also been very hard being away
from home for over 2 months.
I was with the riders for the first month, the first 1000 miles. I had to go
up to Virginia City to see all my friends finish. These people we shared
this great adventure with will be friends for life. It is amazing the
ability of the horses to keep going 50 miles a day, 5 days a week. I will
let the riders of these great horses tell their stories. But, and here is
the catch, everything depended on Dave Nicholson.
Dave, "Duck," thank you for all of the work you did and the petty problems
you dealt with, to give us the chance to see the Western United States, and
relive the history of the Pony Express. No one but you could have done this
so well, (Well, maybe Annie and Levon)
I have heard rumors, you had such a great time with this group of crazy
riders, you may pull some other great adventure out of your hat. Let me
know, I will be there with you!
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