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aussie saddles, long

I took my horse to the vet on Tuesday for a recheck ultra sound (april 
injury to the deep digital tendon, a stressed suspensory ligament, and 
sprained ankle).  Everything checked out great.  Vet said ride, ride, ride!  
We also discussed saddles. My horse is exceptionally wide in the withers and 
shoulders, and short in her back witch slopes up toward her hind end.  I 
complained that I'm having trouble fitting western and endurance saddles to 
her back.  Most seem too bridge a lot or there is too much pressure on her 
withers or loins.  He said she may never be able to be ridden in any saddle 
other than an english saddle due to the bridging and her width at her 

English saddles are fine, but I don't care form them when I'm riding down 
steep hills and occasionally Fancy likes to get in a buck or two when I have 
her cross an obstacle that she is unsure of.  I'm thinking of trying an 
aussie type saddle.

All I know of these saddles is that the leg fenders on most are long and 
large and cover too much of the horses side and that some are too deep and 
secure so that it is difficult to get out of the saddle when going up steep 
hills and difficult to adjust the stirrup length when the leg blocks are too 
restrictive.  However they come wool flocked and are similar to the english 
saddle in the tree shape.

Has anyone ridden in aussie saddles?  Anyone have any suggestions?
Sorry this is so long.  I wanted to be thorough.

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