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Dead Mare At NASTR
Rusty milesnmiles@hotmail.com
I find is unbelieveable that there hasn't been a protest filed - or
something else done. It is possible that the rider is not an AERC
member - so sanctions may not be able to be levied against her. In any
event - a full investigation should be completed by the vets and a report
be made available. IF the rider was at fault ( could be ignorance or
intentional) - it should be public. She should be on 'probation' for
future endurance rides, and ride managers should know about the incident.
I have friends at the ride, and am appalled at their lack of wanting to
get involved. All 3 friends stated that opinions, and seemed to agree
that there should be an investigation, but no one will initiate it. I
wasn't there - but am becoming more and more disgusted with how endurance
riders are addressing the 'dirty laundry' of our sport. We are FAR from a
world class organization in this regards.
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