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herd bound and confidant
Ray O. rno2m@virginia.edu
My guy is extremely herd-bound,but always very
dominant around other
horses.He has all the go and self-confidence in the
world.An angel on the
ground with people,and completely submissive,friendly
and enthused about
groundwork.A demon under saddle when I need to ride away
from the group at
a Field Trial.You tell me.
Well Ray, I am not a trainer so I am only sharing my
experiences and observations. If he is a demon under saddle when you need
to ride away from a group, I don't think your horse is ready for that situation.
You said it yourself, he is ok around other horses and people, but not alone. He
lacks confidence to be alone in that situation because he has not been
prepared for it. If the only time you ask your horse to go alone is during
competition (a field trial) you are setting him up for a very uncomfortable
scenario. Taking horses to any competition is tough mentally. Horses are
excited, trucks and trailers everywhere, the sounds and smells can be
overwhelming. I would back up a bit in your training, ride trails and walk
(halter and lead rope, leading) and do more one on one work with your horse.
Some horses need time after 3 or 4 months of hard training just to process all
that they have learned. If you turn them out, let them relax and be a horse for
a few weeks, the next ride could be incredible. Other horses can take anything
you dish out, never need a break and just go on and on. No matter what, if the
horse is not prepared for what ever tasks you ask of him, you are only setting
him up for failure. That is not fair to the horse. Good Luck. Lisa Salas, The
oDD Farm
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