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Re: RC: Barney/Valerie
>Yes sir, the sport of endurance should go over well with John Q
>Public. Wonder if they will show the IV bagged horses on TV?
>Linda Hedgpeth
Of course they will. They show Ironman competitors crawling across the
finish line and lots of others in the medical tent with IV drips. And
let's not forget the woman marathoner at the Olympics (in LA?) who came
into the stadium in extreme dehydration and staggered around for a while
trying to finish the race before finally collapsing and being unable to
even crawl. But humans can choose to trash themselves -- horses don't have
a choice.
I think it will be great if endurance is an Olympic sport, but the vet
criteria should be looked at and tightened so horses can get pulled before
they turn into a PR horror show.
Lynn Kinsky (Santa Ynez, CA)
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