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Re: RC: Barney/Valerie

In a message dated 7/25/01 8:36:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

, (which incidentally, is a horror to me,
too) we occasionally have dead ones such as the poor little mare that
lost her battle to live at the June NASTR ride.  Not one person who
was there, has stepped forward to protest this atrocity.  That speaks
volumes about some of our endurance brethren.  She was ridden to

Yes sir, the sport of endurance should go over well with John Q
Public.  Wonder if they will show the IV bagged horses on TV?

I guess that is right up there with the college and high school athletes
dropping from heart problems these days - and plastered all over the news. No
one is crying foul on that - and those are people:)

Perhaps the ones who ride horses into metabolic failure, grade 4 lameness and
ultimately into a death sentence need to slapped into the 22nd century by
other riders, RMs, and the like. A few recent events regarding horse abuse -
and rider abuse - should - SHOULD point up the wide open opportunity to make
humans more...human.

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