----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Morris
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 5:28 PM
To: Annie George; RideCamp
Cc: vkanavy@rica.net
Subject: RC: RE: Barney/Valerie
Be careful of what you ask for. <<<How do we go about influencing, or can we, the USOC into designating USET the NGB. >>>
As I pointed out The AHSA aand the FEI have similar clauses and I am sure that if the USET is designated to be the NGB they will have a clause in their operating procedures that requires the same.
It is called power by control! The USOC has lioke rules also. This is nothing new in the relm of national and international organizations. If you want to play their game you play by their rules. It is their way or the highway!
Bob Morris
There should be a way that the International American riders can do what they want to do without involving AERC. AERC, as the name implies, should stay American and out of the realm of International rides. We'll provide the other organizations on who our best riders and horses are, for a fee, but that's it.
If you want to be a part of the International scene you must be part of the other organizations; AERC remains independent and belonging to no one. Why? Cause nobody does it better and we don't require passports for horses. The Health Certificates and Coggins papers are more than enough anyway. And our rules and fees make sense; you don't have to be a Sultan, or sponsored by one, to afford them.
And if we ever have any joint sanctioned FEI rides, AERC rules come first. If they don't like it, they can just go pound sand (I really like that phrase, especially with FEI).
Howard (my horse and I pound sand at least three times a week)