Hi Angie,
"Good Bone," are (IMHO) two words I usually hear as the FIRST
description of an endurance horse, particularly when it is an "endurance
rider" looking at the horse.
I am not certain that THAT should be the first utterance from someone
looking at a horse, nor the FIRST consideration. "A" consideration, but not
"THE" consideration.
Some say, measured from approx. 3 inches from the base of the knee is the
area that typcially describes whether an endurance horse has "good bone."
But, what about the "quality" of the bone and tendons/ligaments. That
should be, in my estimation, an even more important consideration.
Bearing weight efficiently, without a degradation to the horse and its
future, is more than just "good bone".
It is a product of conformation, proper conditioning/training
(locomotion) and proper application of that conditioning/training(locomotion)
during endurance events.
Some folks say that cannon bones starting at 7 1/2 inches and bigger are
needed to "do endurance".
Could be the "rule"...but a gifted, well-conformed and
conditioned/trained horse can be the exception should their cannon bones be,
say, 7 1/4 AND they have clean, hard and injury-free tendons and are ridden
I'm sorry your first two "endurance prospects" did not work
out...perhaps the next one will be the one.
I would just say, look at the WHOLE horse, conformation, disposition,
attitude to things new, and determine whether you LIKE the horse, not just
whether you think the horse will "do endurance".
Being an "endurance horse" (in my estimation) is what the horse does, being a horse FIRST is where it all starts.
Good Luck,