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Re: RC: FEI stuff, selection procedures - placement vs time

Placement is not everything, granted, but the relationship of placement.
The TNT proposal listed on the USA East website took into consideration
such factors as "time behind the winner".  Being second by 2 minutes is
NOT the same as being second by 2 hours.

FYI, the proposal that was eventually accepted was Roger Rittenhouse's.

Steph Teeter wrote:

> A few riders recently came up with selection proposals for the
> 2001 PAC which use an objective scoring system. (you can
> see these at ). Several of the
> zones intend to use systems such as Teddy/Truman's
> and Roger's.  Both of these are based on scores determined
> by placement - relative to other nominated riders. TNT's
> also factors in a post-ride veterinary score.
> Now I've been looking at these, and thinking about them.
> There is a strong desire by many to create an objective
> selection process - and these proposals certainly do that.
> But the issue that I have with both of these systems is
> that they are based on relative *placement*. In FEI World
> and PanAmerican Championships, there are individual medals
> (1,2,3) and team medals (1,2,3). The team scores are determined
> by *time*. It makes no difference what the relative placement
> of the team members was, only what their relative ride time was.
> So .... to me, placement is not necessarily the best indication
> of a horse/rider team's potential merit in an FEI team event.
> And when considered over different courses throughout the
> demonstration period, could be very misleading.
> Scenario 1: A rider finishes finishes 5th in Ride A , but is 2 hours
> off of the 1st place finisher's time.
> Scenario 2: A rider finishes 10th in Ride B, but was only 30 minutes
>  off the 1st place finisher's time.
> In the above points based systems, the rider in Scenario 1 will
> have a much higher score, but in an actual FEI championship the
> rider's performance in Scenario 2 would have been more valuable.
> Solution? I don't know, but I think ride time should be factored
> into any points based system, not just placement. Truman, Teddy,
> Roger - you guys must have thought about this too? What made
> you discard ride time as a factor in earning points?
> Steph
> (my apologies to those of you out there who could care less! I'll
> be done with this topic soon :)

Teddy Lancaster

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