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Scratches, Sauerkraut, & Hints From Heloise
Recently the Household Hint Queen, Heloise, who uses vinegar for almost
everything, was on some tv talk show that I browsed by. Long
suspecting that vinegar had anti-microbial properties, she had a lab do
some testing with it, and lo & behold, the results showed a 99% kill
rate for whatever bugs they attacked with the vinegar! (Heloise got
very excited about this, and danced around like a fool for several
minutes; it was hilarious!) I thought this was very interesting and
could be useful (the vinegar thing, not the dancing, acting like a fool
thing!). So these studies would seem to validate the old sauerkraut
scratches remedy which you brought up. (The sauerkraut treatment is
explained in detail on page 284 of the very useful book: "How To Be
Your Own Veterinarian Sometimes", by Ruth B. James.)
Sarah Zegers
"Good Horses Make Short Miles"@
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