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Some uses of the statistics page on-line
I posted the following note to the CT region e-mail list and thought the
use of the tables might be worthwhile considering as a topic of discussion
at some other regional conventions coming up soon to see how their regions are doing.
To: CT_Region <AERC_CT_Region@onelist.com>
An observation to be drawn from the CT regions stats from our on-line database
info at
is that the number of rides is down by 12% and the number of riders is down
by 15% in 2000 compared to 1999. It also looks like 1999 was a big year
for the CT region where both rides and entries were up 25% compared to 1998.
we can also see that the number of LD riders is 36% greater than the number
of riders in 50s for the 2000 season. The number of LD entries is also
more than the 50s in the SE region - probably due to the attention paid
to LD in both these regions. In 1999 - CT region LD rides were only 15%
greater than the 50s.
Interesting points to think about. It might be worthwhile looking at
these statistics before the CT convention.
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