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LD as training ride
On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 23:01:56 EST
BMcCrary27@aol.com wrote:
<This rather defeats the purpose of LD riding. It is supposed to be a
training ground for young horses, or a way to return previously injured
horses to competition. To plan deliberately to place first at a fast pace on
a LD ride is counter-productive and ill-advised.>
Then why are these ride times rewarded? I recently attended a ride where the
top ten LD all got folding chairs and first place (with a 2 hour ride time)
an expensive pair of stirrups. This was my second 50 and my horse was
running this same pace when I slowed her down halfway through the second loop
realizing that we had another 25 to go. Please don't misinterpret
this.........I am a BIG FAN of LD. We started this sport a little over two
years ago with a young horse and inexperienced rider. I am very grateful to
LD for what I have learned and I actively encourage anyone with an interested
in distance riding to enter LD. I am just concerned about the message being
sent when we are rewarded for speed instead of learning to pace for longer
distances. I think Angie's idea of awarding a paid entry to their next 50 is
a great one!!!!!! Just food for thought..........
Cathy & Jazz
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