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Hi guys
In an earlier post I talked about a new horse that I purchased
in Sept . Had questions about working with him on trailering.
Now I have another. He is not registered in any breed as he is about
1/2 mustang and 1/2 arab through generations of breeding.
I am looking to get his Coggins done soon. He is a pretty generic
dapple grey with a blaze (if you look really close) Has no
branding on him. For traveling purposes what do you recommend
that I do to document that he is the horse on these papers?
Should I freeze brand? Microchip? Do I have to pay a fee to the state
(Kansas) for the freeze brand? What works for the people in the Western
Since being in Endurance I have always had a registered horse.
Pat    Casper(the new guy) and Razzel in Kansas

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