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Essential Oils
Bonnie Miller grggmiller@aol.com
In response to EN article on scratches, the subject of natural remedies comes to mind. I use the essential oil "oregano" or "thyme" to cure scratches on my horses. Take 3 drops of oil, mix with 1 tsp of olive oil and apply directly to scratches. As opposed to DMSO and dewormer drugs, the oils fit my "granola" approach! For worming/parasites, I use 2 oz. of garlic powder with fresh beets in the feed daily ...in addition to a natural wormer paste every 6 mo....available at Chamisa Ridge 1-800-743-3188. My worming program has proven very successful! Then again, I am someone who wouldn't dream of denying my horses feet the necessary circulation required for soundness, and keep my horses barefoot (forever). CONGRADULATIONS to Darolyn Butler for riding a 50-miler barefoot! Thanks for setting a good example.
Bonnie Miller
Flagstaff, AZ
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