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Re: laminitis?
We had a similar experience with several of our horses one day. Some were
just ouchy in the front, some in the back, some had swelling, some didn't
and one was swelled up so bad all the way around we figured she was going to
be out for the count! Turns out it was an ALLERGIC reaction to pepper
grass. We got a bad bale of hay that when we tested it was more than 30% of
this stuff. Someone who was trying to sell it gave us a bale to try because
we were skeptical about the quality. Well, always go with your gut!!!
Anyway, we hosed all the horses legs down, put them in a different pasture
and they all recovered within 12-24 hours, some sooner than that even.
However, keep an eye on your horse as bute can mask complications from
laminitis. Also, call your FARRIER for follow up whenever you suspect
laminitis. Early intervention can save your horse a lot of grief in the
long run!
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