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OF saddle woes update

nancy maxeiner

I posted a note a few weeks back about OF and its business problems.  I
have paid money and have no saddle.  I have contacted the atty gen'l in MO
and they have said that once a company dissoves (which OF has) they are
under no obligation to fulfill any orders or repay any money.  Apparently,
prosecuting for fraud is a tough thing to prove and suing can happen but
is only worthwhile if there are assets. (Word has it there are no saddles
in stock and Len is living in a camp trailer in a field). So far the AG
has written dear Len Brown a letter asking how he plans on compensating
folks but that's about all they will/can do.  IF they have MANY
complaints, more might happen.  My suggestion to anyone in a similar
situation with OF is to howl to the moon.  Write and tell EVERYONE what's
gone on.  I have also spoken with an investment group in AK (where the
"factory" is) and essentially was told the same thing.  Not a lot to do
and those of us with saddle money out are small fish.  This guy's firm
stands to lose millions apparently and they are higher on the food chain.
There is an interested buyer for the company currently but a new owner is
not bound to honour old obligations.  We can only HOPE they might.  The
whole situation makes me mad and disgusted beyond words.

Thanks for your time.
N. Maxeiner

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