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Re: RC: Re: Re: Confiscated Hay

God forbid anyone should PLANT it for their horses... (not even in a pot,
Angie!) I'm just fantasizing that we might find crews of erstwhile street
urchins to haul in machinery and chop up that stuff that's already growing.
We could pay them farm labor wages and sell the stuff to desert Kingdoms as
a primo livestock feed! We'd be rich, famous! But, I suppose there is some
legitimate concern that it would cover and immobilize the urchins, then
there would be trouble!

As for the rusting cars in yards... well, there had to be SOME ulterior
motive why they brouht the stuff here. That nonsense about freeway
overpasses never flew with me anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: Truman Prevatt <>
To: Terry Barrall and Felix Rodriguez <>
Cc: Rides 2 Far <>; Ridecamp <>
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: RC: Re: Re: Confiscated Hay

>Too bad it's in Oregon. DNR might as well give up, the game over - they
>As far as horses eatting it, well given the estimate of 100 pounds of grass
>day a horse eats I'd say that there is no chance they can keep it at bay.
>kudzu would cover them over just like it does, power poles, fences, barns
>your house if you go on a vacation. I'd also be careful camping out near
it. If
>you over sleep, you are probably under three feet of kudzu.
>There is one good thing about kudzu, however.  It will very quickly cover
>those unsightly rusty cars on blocks sitting in most southerners yards and
>leaves a nice attractive rolling land scape where those old cars are.
>Terry Barrall and Felix Rodriguez wrote:
>> Really?? Horses eat Kudzu??
>> I am from Oregon, but have (ex) in-laws in GA. I remember how horrified I
>> was when I  visited and saw the Kudzu vines canopying a forest, and
>> visibly each day. CREEPY. Well, recently a 1/2 acre patch has been seen
>> some remote acreage in Oregon, and I am ill. Our DNR folks are all worked
>> up, and for good reason! With out climate and soils, coupled with the
>> areas we have, Oregon'll be completely vine covered in no time. To date
>> worst botanical pest has been the (introduced) Himalayan Blackberry, but
>> it's NOTHING compared to Kudzu.
>> Yet, if horses like it, I can't help but wonder if there isn't an answer
>> here.... <LOL> I mean, there's plenty around and NONE of it desired. I
>> wonder what the nutritional makeup of this monster is? Can a small
>> be made in pelletizing it and shipping it to folks as a horse feed?
>> feed? <VBG!!>
>> Terry B.

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