Re: RC: Kudzu/yum!
At 01:59 PM 7/18/01 -0400, Rides 2 Far wrote:
> > Have you ever TASTED Kudzu? Even my dogs won't pee on it!!!
>Nope, but I tasted sweetfeed once and hated that. I'm being perfectly
>honest, the horses LOVE kudzu. I've heard they've actually found a way to
>bale it for cows. Don't know if the tractor climbs the trees it covers
>or what. We were trying to load Joe Harris horses to move them to my
>house and they ignored the feed I had in a bucket and kept yanking me
>over to the kudzu.
Kudzu tubers will serve as potatoes if you are in a survival mode.
The stuff was brought from the Orient for erosion control and cattle feed.
Horses do indeed love kudzu. And kudzu will grow where nothing else will.
If you don't have any near your place and you are thinking, "Hmmm, I can
grow my own feed while having green where there is now dirt," I only have 6
words to say, "FORGET IT! FORGET IT! FORGET IT!" Your horses will not
be able to control it mostly because in about an hour it will be burying
your horses will never be able climb.
Marv "Once you hear kudzu growing, life is never the same." Walker
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