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Re: Community support - EDS invitation
-----Original Message-----
From: Némethy, Klára <klara.nemethy@eds.com>
To: 'mark.badi@dunaelektronika.hu' <mark.badi@dunaelektronika.hu>
Cc: 'goearth' <goearth@shentel.net>; Murphy, Mary
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 8:21 AM
Subject: Community support - EDS invitation
>Dear Mr Badi,
>I am turning to you as to our long term supplier to get your buy-in for the
>following community action.
>We would like to invite you to participate in a donation activity for the
>benefit of underprivileged children of 2 schools/institutions in Budapest.
>On an EDS colleague's initiative, who is also endurance rider in the US, we
>are joining in the Day of Knights event, which is a ride
>from Vienna to Budapest (Sept 17-22) with the purpose of fund raising and
>One aim of this initiative is to help one school build a computer room
>therefore we ask you for the contribution of Duna Elektronika.
>It can be just offering a nice price for purchasing these PCs or in the
>nicest case donate a few PCs to these children connected to this event.
>Then EDS field support colleagues would do the installation and some basic
>PC training session for the kids.
>Tom Sites from the US, who is one of the riders and leader of this program,
>would appreciate our help and offered that our company logos on the rider's
>shirts could show that we are supporters.
>We are hopeful that Duna Elektronika can join in. For more information on
>the Day of Knights pls check their website www.dok2001.com
>Looking forward to hearing from you
>Best regards,
>Klára Némethy
> Klára Némethy
> Marketing & Communications
> EDS Hungary
> Tel: 36-1-460-1104
> Mobile: 36-30-9828-945
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