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Re: RC: Elk Valley - One for the Books!


I have often noticed riders zipping along with long Biothane sponge
sraps dangling from the saddle or trailing along behind.  Have often
thought that this is a potential problem looking for a time to happen. 
Biothane is very STRONG.  If you hang the strap on something along the
trail or another rider passes close and hangs the strap on their tack or
leg, you could have a serious wreck. In the Southeast, particularly, we
have a lot of trees, brush, etc. along the trails.

Something you might try:

Use a SHORT biothane sponge strap, say about six inches.  Teddy sells
these, I know.  Pick up one of the small (smallest you can find)
retractable dog leashes.  Attach the end of the leash directly to the
sponge.  Strap the dog leash to your saddle horn, ring, whatever, and
then clip the end of the biothane sponge strap to a nearby ring. (This
prevents accidentally pulling out the lead)

The weight of a wet sponge will pull out the leash, you can lock it out
if you wish, and it's never dangling.  Just unclip the sponge and drop
it. Even if you hang it on something, a horse can easily break the line
without injury.  The whole thing is very compact. I've been using one
for as long as I can remember....

Jim and Sun of Dimanche

"Snodgrass, Bonnie" wrote:
> This past weekend I went up to compete in the Elk Valley 50 (Grant , PA) on
> Saturday. They do two 50's back to back and an LD on Sun. also. I met my
> friend Becky Supinger from Summerduck, VA up there where we camped side by
> side. My ride went uneventfully. River and I finished in the back half
> (sounds better than back third) and it was a beautiful ride, wonderful
> weather, super trails and scenery.  Becky has a super horse, Bacardi. We
> definitely ride at different paces. Becky and Bacardi were in the top 10
> coming in from the first loop (and probably would have stayed there) when
> the twilight zone struck. Becky uses a sponge on a long biothane strap just
> like me and most the riders around here. These straps have a snap at both
> ends. After coming out of the river, Becky snapped her sponge back onto her
> saddle and started up the last 1/4 mile of trail into camp. She hopped off
> her horse and loosened his cinch when she noticed that the sponge stape
> seemed to be hung under his belly. Unbeknownst to her, her sponge strap had
> snagged  on a branch as she rode forward and finally a snap had given way.
> The hook part of the snap had been bent open and somehow come flying back at
> her horse. The tongue of the snap, about 1" + of metal impaled him in the
> belly. The strap was hanging down from this snap that had driven itself into
> his abdomen wall!!! Becky, (nurse by trade) just walked him on in to the vet
> check and found the treatment vet who removed the metal and treated him.
> Bacardi's ride was over. Who would of thought?? I learned of her mishap as I
> came in from the first loop and rode the rest of the ride with my sponge
> strap tucked up. Paranoia!!!
> Bonnie Snodgrass

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