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Re: Re: nutritional analysis ugliness
Thanks Susan. I am trying to figure out why Luna's low on energy/mellow...
She's been eating an amazing quantity of food since I made some changes you
suggested (brewers yeast being one of them). Am waiting for a full panel
CBC to come back - maybe there will be a clue in there.
She's eating:
12 hours pasture
10-15 lbs. grass/alfalfa hay
3 lbs. COB (split into 2 feedings)
2 lbs. Complete Advantage
2 lbs. beet pulp
1 cup oil
Ca/P looked OK, would be better with less alfalfa but it's not inverted.
The DE level exceeds what she should need. She should be bouncing off the
walls and fat, but she's not - and we're at only about 40 miles per week. ??
I have her on Strongid & am still feeding brewer's yeast as you suggested.
Appetite is not the problem anymore... Any ideas? Maybe I should stick a
GPS on her overnight and see if she's doing pasture marathons?
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