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Re: nonsantioned rides

back then you did'nt care about points or best condition you
> just wanted to ride and have FUN.

I've got good news for you........
There are a bunch of us out here who are relatively new to this game and
guess what? We don't give a hoot for points, etc. If we come in top
ten.....GREAT! If it isn't our horse's day and we just mosey along and munch
grass to make the day enjoyable for horse and rider...GREAT! The name of the
game is "Enjoy the horse, the country and the great people who are doing the
same thing"! And I am sure I have said this before on Ride Camp, but it
bears repeating: it took me 57 years to discover horses and this sport and I
am having more fun now than I have had in my entire life. Bet there are gobs
of folks who can say almost the same thing.

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