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Re: strange crusty stuff on my mare's nose...
> Last evening (two days later), she had small, bumpy encrustations in a
> small strip between her nostrils and more of them around another nostril.
> They looked like an old, itchy rash.
> They didn't seem to bother her, but she really did not like me touching
> them. Not jerking away, but just annoyed. (She usually lets me play with
> her lips, muzzle and nostrils.) I left them alone, didn't put Corona or
If the hair there on her nose is white/pink skin, it might be
photosensitization to a plant she ate in pasture. You might take a look if
it's showing up on any other white spots, although the nose usually gets it
the worse because of more sun exposure.
Some types of clover can cause the sensitivity, also St. John's wort,
buckwheat, spring parsley and a few others...
I'd try to get somesunscreen on the nose and take a walk through the pasture
to see if you can find suspicious plants.
Good Luck,
Susan G
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