At 02:49 PM 7/9/2001 -0600, Teresa Van Hove wrote:
> I think I
>will try diluting with more vinegar and water so its 1/2/2 ratios
>maybe even more water and vinegar and still plan on confining its use
>her legs, and watching to make sure that her legs dont get
>from the soap.
I have a wonderful fly spray recipe that I got from a working ranch hand
who was kind enough to pass it along to me. Have used it,
recommended it to friends, and so far we all like it better than any
commercial spray. I tried the Spot-On for the first time this
month. Extremely expensive and the horses still have some flies
bothering them on the trails. Recipe below turns out to cost $2.00
a bottle. Cheapest and best I've ever found: and it contains
Horse Fly Spray
1 oz. Permethrin 10%
1 oz. Mineral oil
White vinegar
Take a 32 oz. spray bottle and put the Permethrin and Mineral Oil in
it. Fill bottle 1/2 full of White vinegar. Fill the remaining
1/2 with water.