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Spot-on fly control

I've used two applications of it now on 4 horses and like it better than any spray or wipe I've used.  I do notice that it seems to irritate some horses' when it's first applied; i.e. foot stomping for a few minutes and trying to rub their rumps where it was applied.  Also I discovered that applying it to the front of the knee is a very bad idea.  Apply to the BACK of the knee so when the horse rubs his head on his knee it doesn't get into the eye, which is what happened the first time I applied it.
I put in a frantic call to the customer service number when I found a couple of horses with swollen "goopy" eyes and was told that it was a minor irritation and would resolve in a few hours, which it did.  No more trouble with applying to the back of the knee.
I've also put out many disposable "Rescue" fly traps this year as well as continuing to use the fly predators so the horses aren't troubled with flies as bad as they usually are.
All in all I'm happy with Spot-on; however, none of my horses are being worked hard this year so they aren't being sweated up and bathed every day or two, AND it's dry here. . . no rain to wash it off.  Those two items are probably very important to consider when using Spot-on.
Betty Edgar

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